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jRAT v5 Java Remote Administration (Best Java RAT 2016)

jRAT is promoted as a cross-platform Remote Administration Tool written in Java. For only 40$, one can buy the tool. The tool enables a customer/administrator to generate custom JAR files that gives him the possibility to remotely control a PC via a graphical user interface (GUI).

jRAT has best control panel in Java RAT.  It has many features.


  1. Fully Undetectable
  2. Many Options in builder
  3. Multi OS support
  4. Good UI
  1. Server is large (249K)
  2. Need java runtime to run
  3. it is eating too many memory (50Mb for one connection)



  1. Hi there, is possible to You, please, re-upload the source? Google is blocking the access to a file, with a TOS Violation message, or can You send me by e-mail? for educational purpose. I am studing Java.


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